8 ways to reduce bounce rates for Website:

Visitors coming to any page of your website, if they stop without reading it, then it is called a bounce in technical language. In the previous article you had to know what the bounce rate is. Opening a webpage without seeing or reading, and the percentage of total visitors for the month is called Bounce Rate. You can view a bounce rate for your website in Google Analytics (English: Google Analytics). If your website has a bounce rate below 30% then your hard work is successful. If it is more than 60% then you will have to work harder. Let's give you tips on reducing bounce rates.

Calculation of Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate = (Number of visitors who closed the webpage immediately) / visitors to your webpage in one month) * 100

How to Reduce Bounce Rate in Google Analytics?

1. Correct web design

While designing the web, use Visitors' preferred graphics. Avoid using flamboyant and dull colors. The easier the website will be, the easier it will be to access.

2. Content of the Meaning of Visitors

Publish information to readers on your website, but not your readers. Try to write good and good. Tell things in clear and simple words.

3. Use of Multimedia

Using multimedia, visitors can be stopped on the web page. It is easier to see and hear than reading. So do not forget to insert good pictures, audio and video.

4. Keep page load time down

It is very important to optimize page load time. Using multimedia increases Page Load Time If the page took more time to open, visitors would go to another website.

5. Use of Keywords

You can use keyword research tools to search keywords related to your topic. Keywords attract readers, but do not bring readers to the webpage by putting misleading keywords. If they do not get any work information, they will stop immediately. Thereby increasing the bounce rate.

6. Mobile Friendly Site

You should make your site mobile friendly. So that mobile visitors can also read your backpages on the Internet too.

7. Longer Articles

Minimum 300 words should be reported in every page or post. By which the reader should take time to read and lower the bounce rate.

8. Keep the category few

With more category, content is reduced in every category. That is, the visitors think that the content on the site is low. This is the main reason for closing the pages of visitors. When the categories are reduced, then the visitors become a mindset to stay in the category of their choice.